The Strength and Durability of Modular Homes in Hurricanes

As an expert in the construction industry, I have seen firsthand the devastation that natural disasters can cause to homes. Hurricanes and tornados are particularly destructive, leaving homeowners with costly repairs and sometimes even complete loss of their homes. That's why it's important for homeowners to consider the strength and durability of their homes when living in areas prone to these types of storms. And when it comes to withstanding hurricanes and tornados, modular homes are a top choice. One of the main reasons why modular homes are so resilient in the face of strong winds is because they use 15 to 20 percent more wood in the construction process compared to traditional stick-built homes.

This extra wood provides added strength and stability, allowing modular homes to withstand winds of up to 175 mph. This makes them an ideal choice for those living in hurricane-prone areas or areas known for tornados. But it's not just the amount of wood used that makes modular homes so durable. It's also the way they are built. Research has shown that modular homes are even better prepared for storm-related damage than traditional homes because of their construction process.

Each module is built in a controlled environment, ensuring precision and quality in every aspect of the home's construction. In fact, according to FEMA, the leading authority on disaster preparedness, modular homes are safe and likely to survive hurricanes and tornados with little or no damage. This is due to their inherent strength and structural integrity. In comparison, site-built homes may not have the same level of durability as they are subject to varying weather conditions during construction. When Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast, homeowners were left with significant damage to their properties. However, those who owned modular homes fared much better.

This is because modular homes are built to withstand strong winds and other natural disasters, making them a smart choice for homeowners in hurricane-prone areas. But what about those who are planning to move to an area prone to hurricanes or tornados? If you're considering buying a home in New Brunswick, for example, you may want to consider a modular home. These homes are built with the specific weather conditions in mind, ensuring they can withstand the elements and keep you and your family safe. While modular homes are already quite resistant to damage caused by hurricanes and tornados, there are still some steps you can take to further protect your home. For example, Champion Homes, one of the leading modular home manufacturers, contacted a friend of ours after a natural disaster to verify that her home had not been damaged. This level of care and attention to detail is just one of the many reasons why modular homes are a top choice for those living in hurricane-prone areas. As an expert in the industry, I believe that the modular housing industry needs to continue innovating and building homes that can withstand these natural disasters.

This includes not only focusing on strength and durability but also energy efficiency and safety. Modular homes are already known for their energy efficiency, but they can also be designed with safety features in mind, such as reinforced walls and roofs. In conclusion, as someone who has seen the effects of hurricanes and tornados on traditional homes, I highly recommend considering a modular home if you live in an area prone to these types of storms. With their strength, durability, and ability to withstand strong winds, they offer homeowners peace of mind and protection against natural disasters. So if you're looking for a new home or considering rebuilding after a storm, be sure to explore the option of a modular home.

Willis Prusha
Willis Prusha

Professional zombie guru. Certified food ninja. Unapologetic internet buff. Subtly charming food practitioner. General travel fanatic. Total reader.